Our Can

The main event:

Top: Rendered Image of the final satellite design

Bottom: Diagram of inner working design. 

We initially had 3 main designs, however, once we settled on exactly what we wanted we were left with only one. However, this design is still subject to change as we conduct more tests. 

This design is composed of three main components: the outer shell, the landing system (which will be discussed in further detail in 3.4) and the internal chamber. The Can will be 3D printed using PLA biodegradable filament in a bright colour to ensure it can be more visible and therefore more easily retrievable. 

Rather than being one continuous wall, the outer shell will have a series of hexagonal holes throughout the structure. These holes will serve two purposes: to reduce the satellite's overall mass and ensure the sensors within have. greater access to the surrounding atmosphere. This will ensure that the data. collected during the satellite's flight is accurate, improving the useability of the results. The hexagonal shape of the holes was chosen due to the inherent strength of the hexagon. The fact that it is effectively composed of 6 equilateral triangles makes it the strongest shape in nature, therefore although the holes will compromise the integrity of the can's walls, the can will still be strong enough to withstand the force of launch and landing.

The internal chamber will consist of 4 structural 3D-printed layers insulated with foam on which the PCBs will be fastened. 4 support rods will be inserted through the layers of PCBs to prevent rattling during flight. The walls of the internal chamber will also not be solid, instead will have a repeating pattern of holes. This is so that the circuitry is more accessible before and after take-off so that the sensors are more exposed to the atmosphere. Moreover, the strength of the internal chamber's walls is less important because the main function is to ensure the suspension ring can run smoothly up and down without damaging the PCBs.

We designed and rendered the Can using Fusion to make it much clearer to visualise when we presented our CanSat project and ideas to both our HeadMistress and the OneWeb satellite company.

© 2022 Alleyn's School, London, SE22 8SU, UK All rights reserved.
Contact us on Orion.cansat22@gmail.com 
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